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New methodologies/techniques and digitalisation of processes.

As part of our commitment to manufacturing 4.0 and moving forward into the future we are proud to be accepted through the Midlands Aerospace and Nottingham University for an ERDF Project with Aerospace UP Grant.


The purpose of this project is to rapidly, over a period of 18-24 months, permit Ashton and Moore Ltd to employ up to date methodology/techniques and digitalisation of processes, as well as upgrade our knowledge and data analysis. Thus, enabling our company to compete in the ever changing global aerospace and defence markets and in so doing, support these key UK supply chains.

In terms of the wider sector benefits, as we are one of the top Aerospace and Defence metal finishers in the UK and have over 300 active customers, both in the UK and beyond, a stronger Ashton and Moore will be key to these ever more important supply chains and their green recovery from the COVID pandemic. For without metal finishers such as ourselves these supply chains can not function globally.

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