Changes to Legislation and Processing

As part of our ongoing business evaluation, it has been decided that we shall continue to provide Cadmium Plating to Aerospace customers only , but also due to increasing environmental, health & Safety Legislation and restrictions such as REACH & COMAH this process will be operated in reduced circumstances and approvals. For our full list of Specification approvals for Cadmium plating please refer to our approval list.

In further news, we are pleased to announce that the CTAC Consortium have recently attained initial approval for their authorisation to extend the usage of chromium trioxide.
It is now likely that Ashton & Moore will be able to continue offering Chromic Anodising, Alocrom and all other hexavalent chrome reliant processes up until September 2024 for aerospace usage and September 2021 for usage in the general engineering sector, far beyond the predicted sunset date of September 2017 under REACH legislation

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